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Show Yourself Some Love This Valentine’s Day: Drink More Water

Show Yourself Some Love This Valentine’s Day: Drink More Water

Fall in love with healthy hydration habits during #AmericanHeartMonth. Show your heart some love and keep your heart healthy with these 5 tips! ✅ Stay hydrated – Drinking enough water is crucial in helping your heart work efficiently! Recent NIH research suggests that...

Drinking enough water could literally help you have a healthy heart

Drinking enough water could literally help you have a healthy heart

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) tracked about 15,000 people for 25 years and found something major: not drinking enough water could mess with your heart health! When you're dehydrated, your blood gets more concentrated with sodium (salt). The...

Recycling Tips

Recycling Tips

Are you slipping on the resolution you made in January to be a better recycler? If you need a little extra motivation, use these tips to educate yourself and others:  🌎 Don’t bundle your recyclables in plastic bags. They can cause problems at the...

American Heart Month

American Heart Month

Love your heart this #AmericanHeartMonth! ❤️ One way to show your love is to stay hydrated! It’s one of the easiest ways to support your heart health. By staying properly hydrated, you can help:👉 Reduce the risk of heart-related conditions like heart failure and...

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❄️ Cold Weather = Dehydration Danger!

❄️ Cold Weather = Dehydration Danger!

Did you know you can get dehydrated in winter just as easily as in summer? Here’s why: 💧 Cold reduces your thirst sensation. 💧 Heavy winter clothes cause you to sweat more. 💧...

Make recycling a daily habit!

Make recycling a daily habit!

Did you know? Bottled water containers are 100% recyclable, including the caps! By recycling PET bottles, we reduce waste and create new bottles with 50%, 75%, or even 100%...