Currently browsing : 2012

Video highlights how bottled water bans cause “shift in consumption”

IBWA Announces 2012-2013 Officers and Board of Directors

International Bottled Water Association | IMMEDIATE RELEASE | November 20, 2012 IBWA Announces 2012-2013 Officers and Board of Directors Alexandria, VA – The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) today announced its 2012-2013 officers and board of directors. ...
Video highlights how bottled water bans cause “shift in consumption”

Pennsylvania employee named Route Salesperson of the Year

International Bottled Water Association | NEWS RELEASE | November 15, 2012 Pennsylvania employee named Route Salesperson of the Year New Orleans, LA – The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) today announced a Pennsylvania employee has won the prestigious...
Video highlights how bottled water bans cause “shift in consumption”

Award winners named at 2012 IBWA Annual Business Conference

International Bottled Water Association | NEWS RELEASE | November 15, 2012 Award winners named at 2012 IBWA Annual Business Conference New Orleans, LA – The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) today announced winners of four prestigious awards at its 2012...
Video highlights how bottled water bans cause “shift in consumption”

IBWA and NAMA 2012 Conferences – Same Date and Same Location

International Bottled Water Association | IMMEDIATE RELEASE | June 4, 2012 IBWA and NAMA 2012 Conferences – Same Date and Same Location Alexandria, VA – The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) and the National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA)...
Video highlights how bottled water bans cause “shift in consumption”

IBWA Supports World Water Day

International Bottled Water Association | IMMEDIATE RELEASE | March 22, 2012 IBWA Supports World Water Day Alexandria, VA – The members of the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) are proud to support World Water Day 2012 and recognize the importance of a...
Video highlights how bottled water bans cause “shift in consumption”

College Bottled Water Ban Fails Students

International Bottled Water Association | NEWS RELEASE | February 2, 2012 College Bottled Water Ban Fails Students ALEXANDRIA, VA – The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) says that a decision by the University of Vermont to ban the sale of bottled water,...