Congressional Activity – Letter The Honorable Tom Ridge

Congressional Activity – Letter The Honorable Tom Ridge

November 6, 2001

The Honorable Tom Ridge

Assistant to the President and Director

Office of Homeland Security

The White House

Washington, DC 20502


Dear Governor:

Among the many issues you and your staff must quickly address is food security – ensuring that all segments of our food supply, from the farm to the table, are protected from potential threats and continue to maintain the highest safety standards.

We are writing to offer our knowledge and expertise to you as part of your mission to improve communication and coordination of overall food security efforts. Our Alliance for Food Security — a group of business, government and other organizations dedicated to food safety and security — could help comprise any advisory committee or task force you may wish to establish on food security In conjunction with that, we also request that you designate a senior member of your staff to work with the Alliance. Finally, we respectfully request an opportunity to brief you and your staff on the work of the Alliance and discuss how best we can assist you and your office in accomplishing your critically important mission.

The Alliance was started to ensure that both government agencies and the food industry have access to all the information needed to assess new threats and develop effective risk management plans. Alliance participants include technical and regulatory experts that industry and the government rely on to ensure the safety of our food supply. The Alliance process, thanks to the cooperation of such agencies as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Defense (DOD), and others, is working to ensure that our food supply remains the safest in the world.

We believe that by including the Alliance in your own program for food security, communication and coordination with both the industry and government agencies, from the local to the national level, will be more efficient and effective. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity, and look forward to hearing from you.



American Association of Meat Processors

American Bakers Association

American Beekeepers Federation

Association for Dressings and Sauces

American Frozen Food Institute

American Meat Institute

American Sheep Industry Association

American Spice Trade Association

American Veterinary Medical Association

Calorie Control Council

Chocolate Manufacturers Association

Concord Grape Association

Dairy Management, Inc.

Flavor & Extract Manuf. Assoc. of the US

Food Distributors International

Food Marketing Institute

Grocery Manufacturers of America

Institute of Shortening And Edible Oils

Int. Assoc. of Color Manufacturers

International Bottled Water Association

International Dairy Foods Association

International Food Additives Council

International Fresh-Cut Produce Assoc.

International Jelly & Preserve Association

International Mass Retail Association

Nat. Assoc. of Margarine Manufacturers

National Chicken Council

National Confectioners Association

National Fisheries Institute

National Food Processors Association

National Grain and Feed Association

National Grocers Association

National Institute of Oilseed Products

National Meat Association

National Milk Producers Federation

National Oilseed Processors Assoc.

National Pasta Association

National Pecan Shellers Association

National Restaurant Association

National Soft Drink Association

National Tank Truck Carriers, Inc.

National Turkey Federation

National Council of Chain Restaurants-A Div. of the Nat’l Retail Fed.

North American Millers Association

Pet Food Institute

Processed Apples Institute

Produce Marketing Association

Research Chefs Association

Salt Institute

Snack Food Association

Sugar Association (The)

United Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Assoc.

US Tuna Foundation

Vinegar Institute