Material Recovery Program

Material Recovery Program

While the bottled water industry supports effective environmental conservation policies, we strongly believe that any efforts to reduce the environmental impact of packaging must focus on all consumer goods.

Bottled water is just one of thousands of food and beverage products packaged in plastic containers. To encourage a comprehensive approach to effective recycling, IBWA developed its Material Recovery Program (MRP), a collaborative new joint venture between businesses and government.

The MRP supports the development of new, comprehensive solutions to help manage solid waste in U.S. communities by having all consumer product companies, including bottled water, work together with state and local governments to improve recycling and waste education and collection efforts for all packaged goods.


Extended Producer Responsibility

Additionally, the extended producer responsibility (EPR) concept is expected to expand significantly in the United States in the coming years. As all industries explore additional and more cost-effective ways to increase the recycling rates of all packaging materials and consumer products, the bottled water industry in particular now has an opportunity to be a significant contributor to this important conversation.